Thursday, June 7, 2007

Wild West Day

Yesterday at my school I and the rest of my friends and the school or (the 8th grade) got to do Wild West Day. Wild West Day is were you dress up as you would during the old west or during Tom and Huck's time in the book "Tom Sayer." Well what would you know it I tied with my friend Phillip for both contests! The contests were most authentic lunch that they would have back then, and the person who dressed up the best during the Wild West. Well that's it.

Last Day of School!!

Today on the 7th of June, 2007 me and my brother are officially through with school for this year. My brother is going to 2nd grade, and I am going to 9th grade. Ya!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Wow.... Now High School!?

Boy I finally went through Middle School. I think that I will do fine in high school but, I am still a little afraid of doing algebra next year. I hope I can do the best I can. But also a really bad part of me going to high school is that I won't be able to see my friends from eighth grade like Phillip, Joey, and William. Well I guess I will do fine with out them.

My Brother is going to Second Grade!

Hooray!! My brother is going to Second Grade! My brother has worked so hard this year and has struggled too to get to the next level. I have the best of hope that he will get to be the most outstanding student that school has ever seen.