Monday, May 28, 2007


Thumbs have ruled the planet! There is a really funny show out there on my links called thumbs. The links are reenactments of movies but they are not people who reenact the movies. No, it's the people's thumbs! You should check it out.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Yesterday we finally me and my family got to Pirates of the Caribbean 3! It is a pretty good third movie. So I'd recommend you watching it!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My Brothers First Game!

Finally my brother's first baseball game of the season. My brother at first struck out, but then next time he hit the ball. Wow he shore did smack that ball. But of course he got tagged on second. Well its a wonder, but we won the GAME! But everyone did a great job. Keep up the great work Bro!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Silver Dollar City (THE SWING!!)

Oh I don't even think I want to talk about this one, but here it goes. Okay The Swing..... That was one of the most terrible rides I have ever rode in my entire life. At first it's not as bad as you think but then once you have been on it for about the first 30 seconds on the ride you feel like you are going to DIE!!!!! No, I am not kiding around here you feel like you are going to DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There I said it now leave me alone about it.

Dirty Jobs

If you have a or know some one who has a dirty job go ahead and go on my link on Dirty Jobs Site and tell them about your dirty job, or you can type out a comment and tell me about it and I will try my best to get your ideas, and your dirty job to Mike as soon as possible. And make sure its good and dirty!

Wilson's Creek Battlefield Trip

Wow! What a time we had, me and my school went to Wilson's Creek a few days ago. We went to so many stops and I think we had a blast. Me and my friend P.K. both were on the same bus to go on the trip.(That's chaos ready to happen!) Well along the way we went to a person who was talking about how the people or men in the Civil War on both sides dressed, ate, and took orders from their superior officers. He also talked about their personal life too. Then my favorite when he taught us how they worked their weapons. Then when he loaded the musket he said Ready!...Aim!...Fire!! And then CRACK!! He fired the gun and then people started screaming when he fired. Some people were so scared that they fell out of their chair, and some were freaking out about how loud it was. Then after that stop we went back on the bus and then went to the Ray's House, and then the Park's Center were we ate lunch and watched a movie about the battle and watched a light diagram on how the battle went on, and then we went to the Museum, and finally we went to Bloody Hill, and then went back to school. I really liked that trip and thought it was another nice experience to go there to Wilson's Creek.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Do you have an idea for the Mythbusters Show then go ahead and put your idea on the Mythbusters fan site or write a comment to me about your idea and I will try my best to get your idea to them.

Brother Trying Out for Baseball

Well its another year of my brother trying out for baseball. Last year he was on a baseball team named The Little Cubbies. But now he is on another baseball team because his birth day didn't come in the right requirements. It seems that my brother and the team are getting along and me and my Dad are coaches or well my Dad is a coach anyway. It is really fun to get out there and help out the kids to learn how to play catch and how to hit the ball just right. I believe that my brother can really make it out there.

Friday, May 11, 2007

My Dream to Become a Civil War Reenactor

When I was about in the fifth grade I was always interested in the Civil War. I don't know what it is about the American Civil War that made me so fascinated about this part of our American history. What could have been the ways they coordinated their battles, and moving their troops. Or it could have been the type of weapons and technology they used in that time period and how hard it would seem to us in today to live out in the wilderness with out a toilet in the house! But what I am trying to say is that their world in not that much different than ours. We both have people who think differently than other people. We both have both good hearted people, and bad hearted people, and we both have our problems to deal with in our society.