Sunday, May 13, 2007

Wilson's Creek Battlefield Trip

Wow! What a time we had, me and my school went to Wilson's Creek a few days ago. We went to so many stops and I think we had a blast. Me and my friend P.K. both were on the same bus to go on the trip.(That's chaos ready to happen!) Well along the way we went to a person who was talking about how the people or men in the Civil War on both sides dressed, ate, and took orders from their superior officers. He also talked about their personal life too. Then my favorite when he taught us how they worked their weapons. Then when he loaded the musket he said Ready!...Aim!...Fire!! And then CRACK!! He fired the gun and then people started screaming when he fired. Some people were so scared that they fell out of their chair, and some were freaking out about how loud it was. Then after that stop we went back on the bus and then went to the Ray's House, and then the Park's Center were we ate lunch and watched a movie about the battle and watched a light diagram on how the battle went on, and then we went to the Museum, and finally we went to Bloody Hill, and then went back to school. I really liked that trip and thought it was another nice experience to go there to Wilson's Creek.

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